photo Glass & Peripheral Lines Engineering Champion - Future Team Manager In a Glass Factory M - F H/F

Glass & Peripheral Lines Engineering Champion - Future Team Manager In a Glass Factory M - F H/F

Emploi Négoce - Commerce gros

Aubervilliers, 93, Seine-Saint-Denis, Île-de-France

We are looking for a strong generalist engineer working for a limited period of time in the Saint-Gobain Glass International Technical Direction (DTI) near Paris prior to assuming a management position in the Glass activity in France or Europe. As an entry position assignment for 2 to 3 years, you will BE reporting to the Glass Central Engineering Director, and BE directly in charge of : writing and updating the various specifications related to the Cutting Lines of Saint-Gobain Glass (the cutting lines located at the end of the float and glass printed lines, but also the other cut-out lines installed on Coaters, Mirrors, Laminate for Building, and Off-line Cutting) support and follow the various projects (requirements understanding, general design with main external partners, construction survey and commissioning ; tests onsite). In this context, you will participate in preliminary meetings, technical meetings, KoM, receptions, the various phases of testing (supplier, plant and glass) and the commissioning of various workshops lead various training courses in these areas of expertise. As part of the technological watch, you will perform audits and monitoring of suppliers.In[...]

photo Assistant de Direction H/F

Assistant de Direction H/F

Emploi Pharmacie - Parapharmacie - Biotechnologie

Aulnay-sous-Bois, 93, Seine-Saint-Denis, Île-de-France

With over 90 years dedicated to medical imaging, our mission has always been the same : to improve the prognosis and quality of life of patients worldwide. From Research and Development to Support and Sales Functions, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Production and the Supply Chain, day after day over 2, 800 employees undertake to provide essential innovative solutions to diagnostic and interventional imaging. Together we can achieve more and guarantee a better and more sustainable future for generations to come. BE part of the adventure. Join us ! Rataché(e) au Directeur du site, les missions de l'Assistant(e) de Direction sont les suivantes : - Réaliser l'ensemble des tâches de secrétariat et de support pour un membre de la Direction, ce qui implique le traitement régulier de dossiers complexes, sensibles et confidentiels. - Assurer la logistique administrative : notes de frais, fournitures, agendas, plannings, organisation de réunions, de voyages, etc. - S'assurer du respect des circuits et contrôler la bonne utilisation des supports. - Préparer des rapports en lien avec l'activité du service (compte-rendus des réunions auxquelles il/elle participe, création de tableaux de[...]